July 12, 2024

Updated Hurricane Certification for our Slim Sliding Doors

Written by Rebecca Clayton

The Keller minimal windows system is now fully certified as a hurricane certified sliding door.

IQ Glass had previously tested the minimal windows 4+ sliding door system for hurricane resistance, achieving certification for hurricane resistance under the TAS testing criteria.

This test data has now been renewed after months of rigorous testing in Miami. The classic minimal windows sliding door profiles now have been fully certified for hurricane resistance under the same TAS testing criteria and are fully listed within the Florida ‘dbpr’ database for specification (The Florida Building Code).

Florida Building Code Sliding Doors

Successful testing under the TAS certification means that the minimal windows sliding door is a hurricane certified sliding door, and listed as a suitable sliding door within the Florida Building Code.

If you search for Keller minimal windows as a manufacturer within the Florida Building Code database you will find the two applications for the sliding door systems, certified for hurricane resistance.

Both the fixed glass walls and sliding glass doors have been certified for hurricane resistance.

Luxury hotel resort Sugar Beach with minimal windows sliding doors and Louvre Roof

HVHZ TAS 201, 202, and 203 Testing

In order to be a hurricane certified sliding door, the glazing had to be tested under the TAS testing protocols in a controlled environment.

TAS testing covers three different areas of hurricane behaviour;

  • TAS 201 – Impact Test Procedure
  • TAS 202 – Criteria for Testing Impact & Non-Impact Resistant Building Envelope Components Using Uniform Static Air Pressure
  • TAS 203 – Criteria for Testing Products Subject to Cyclic Wind Pressure

The Keller minimal windows sliding door passed on all aspects of the TAS testing and is now a fully hurricane certified sliding door system.

Hurricane Certification Performance

Within the TAS Hurricane testing – which allows a product to have Florida Building Code approval – the Keller minimal windows system was tested to the below performances:

  • Air Permeability: Passed at a pressure of 6.24 psf.
  • Water Tightness: Passed at a pressure of 9 psf.
  • Wind Load: Passed at pressures of +60/-80 psf.
  • Large Missile Impact: Passed at pressures of +60/-80 psf.

These are exceptional performance results and really showcase the quality and durability of the Keller minimal windows system, setting it apart from all competition.

fully glazed villa in Marbella, Spain, with glass swimming pool and minimal windows slim sliding doors

Talk to us about Hurricane Certified Sliding Doors

If you are working on a project that requires hurricane certified sliding doors – or a project with extreme and high wind loads – contact the team at IQ Glass who are the sole partner of Keller minimal windows in the UK, Channel Islands and Caribbean.

We can provide costs, design advice and specification assistance for all glazing aspects of the build.