November 23, 2023

IQ Glass Opens New Showroom in Dublin

Written by Michelle Martin

IQ Glass opens Dublin showroom

New Prestige Flagship Showroom Set to Serve Dublin Market 

IQ glass opened new Prestige showroom in Dublin on 9th November, 2023.

The new flagship showroom in Dublin boasts Keller minimal windows sliding glass door installations as well as other architectural glazing elements including casement windows and doors. 

CPD seminars at new Dublin showroom

The afternoon vent by included a series of new product introductions including Keller’s NextGen almost frameless sliding glass doors, new luxury entrance doors, picture windows plus more.  
Our very own Product Evangelist, Rebecca Clayton delivered IQ’s latest technical glazing CPD opening up to a Q& A where glass innovation really captured the interest of the visitors amongst the design community. 

With the continued development of luxury dwellings in and around the Dublin vicinity, it makes practical sense for Prestige to open a Dublin showroom to strengthen relationships with specifiers, and for home owners to see firsthand all of the architectural glazing possibilities.  

Managing Director, Declan Loy said:

"We are delighted to include IQ Glass and Keller minimal windows in our range of products to serve the Dublin and indeed the wider Leinster market for high performance glazing systems.  These products complement and greatly add to our existing range premium glazing systems and provide further options for architects, designers and home-owners looking for ultra-minimal clean lines, balanced proportions and the most important element which plays a very particular role in contemporary architecture – natural light.  For exclusive detached houses, and apartment schemes, open interiors and maximum daylight admission with unobstructed views to the outside are very high on the list of priorities for architects and clients".

"The desire for design and exclusivity is more than met by Keller’s premium sliding and fixed window systems –  including minimal windows® , 4+ and the latest next Generation, NGS . The frame profiles are pared right back to the minimum and can be fully integrated into the floor, walls and ceiling. Only the slimline interlock profiles with 21 or 26 mm facing width are visible.  Up to an expansive 98% of the area is therefore floor to ceiling glass".

"Prestige & IQ Glass had the pleasure of showcasing these stunning systems to a range of visitors at the recent new showroom opening event and will be bringing them on the road to architects with their latest CPD presentations".


Are you working on a project in Ireland with a requirement for glazing?

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