February 23, 2021
The Construction Centre Features IQ Glass Planned Reopening
Written by Rebecca Clayton
February 23, 2021
Written by Rebecca Clayton
The Construction Centre publish the latest news in construction, covering new product launches, construction resources and tools to find companies, products and skilled professionals. The website covers news from across the UK and beyond, bringing its readers the latest in the construction industry.
The website recently featured IQ Glass, republishing our announcement that the showroom will be reopening on the 12th of April, in line with government guidelines. Our doors will be opening and showroom visits will resume, by appointment only.
The featured article discusses the new products and systems in the showroom that are now available to experience. Some of the new systems include a MARS automatic sliding rooflight system, oversized sliding glass doors from panoramah! and a slim framed internal pivot door.
The new systems make the glazing showroom a truly immersive experience, not to be missed when planning a residential or commercial project. You can read the article and see the feature here.
Featured Products:
Modern Automated Rising Rooflight - MARS,